I participated in an online panel on May 11 2016 for the Balance-Unbalance 2016 Conference in Manizales, Colombia. The conference focuses on sound, art, and the environment. Our panel discusses the potential for a worldwide open microphone network to become a resource for artists, researchers and activists working around acoustics and ecology. Youtube archive here.
My fellow panelists:
Grant Smith, (Manizales, CO, soundtent.org ): Reveil / Soundcamp and the Live Audio Archive.
John Grzinich, (Estonia / maaheli.ee ): Streaming the dawn chorus from Estonia for Reveil/soundCamp
Maria Papadomanolaki, (London / voicesoundtext.com ): Sonic Perceptual Ecologies + Transient streams
Dawn Scarfe (London, UK, dawnscarfe.co.uk ): Reflections from Bivvy Broadcasts and Estonia
Zach Poff (NY, USA, zachpoff.com ): Pond Station: live sounds from a pond in upstate New York
Shimotoku Daisuke (Tokyo, JP/ www.cyberforest.jp ): The cyberforest programme at the Un of Tokyo
Jiyeon Kim (Jeju Island, S Korea / teum11.wordpress.com ): Streaming from Wasan-Ri for Reveil
Eric Leonardson (Manizales, CO / ericleonardson.org ): The Radius soundcamp in Chicago
Leah Barclay (Brisbane, AU / leahbarclay.com ): The Biospheres Soundscapes programme.