Wandering Sounds and Images

Wandering Sounds and Images is a research and creative seminar surrounding portable technologies of analog film projection, sound diffusion and motion picture processing.

CUNY GCDI Sound Workshop

In February 2018 I taught a workshop at the CUNY Graduate Center, as part of their Digital Initiatives Sound Series.

Hunter College IMA Workshop 2017

I was invited to produce a 3-session sound workshop for the Integrated Media Arts graduate program at Hunter College in Spring 2017.

CCNY Multi-Screen Video Workshop

In Fall of 2016 I gave a workshop on multi-channel video presentation techniques for the DIAP graduate program at City College of NY.

Creative Tech Week 2016

I was part of a Creative Tech Week 2016 panel with Galen Joseph-Hunter (Wave Farm), Heidi Neilson, and Ian Vanek.