Witnesses: SCOPE


I exhibited a version of my Witnesses piece at SCOPE New York art fair from March 7-10 2013. Seven circuit-bent Buddhist chant-boxes responded to a slideshow of images from the opening of Headscapes, a group exhibition that was running concurrently in Long Island City.

The little blue Buddha-boxes were perched among the fruit-crates that spilled over from Nicholas Chatfield-Taylor’s nearby igloo. Their light-sensor cables curled around stiff armature wires that rose from the crates and pointed at the TV. Check out the original Witnesses installation to hear what it sounds like.

Witnesses: SCOPE TV Close-UpWitnesses: SCOPE Medium ShotWitnesses: SCOPE Chant Boxes + TV

Witnesses: SCOPE Chant Box close 1Witnesses: SCOPE Chant Box close 2

(Thanks to Will Etundi’s See.Me gallery for the booth at Scope.)