I’m thrilled to contribute a commissioned essay for the inaugural edition of NEW SUNS: Listening with Artists, an online publication created by the non-profit United States Artists. This issue is called Mapping the Horizon and features six artists’ explorations of horizons future, interior, and present.
My piece, Acknowledging Other Ears, collects some of my observations about the potentials of listening for destabilizing hierarchies and encouraging more empathetic relationships between each-other and our environment. This act of “auscultation” helps me to consider my relationship to the more-than-human as I stretch my ears to practice other ways of listening, communicating, and inhabiting the world.
Be sure to check out the other contributors too: Somnath Bhatt, Saskia Wilson-Brown, Parsons & Charlesworth, Damon Locks, and Tarfia Faizullah.