May 2 – REVEIL Live Broadcast from Pond Station

Soundcamp2015-bannerSoundCamp is a series of outdoor listening events on International Dawn Chorus Day, linked by REVEIL: a 24 hour broadcast that tracks the sounds of daybreak, traveling West from microphone to microphone, relayed live by audio streamers around the globe. Sounds are provided by the Locus Sonus network and other streamers, together with a collection of live audio sources assembled for this broadcast.

In conjunction with SoundCamp/REVEIL I’m throwing the switch on a new installation: Pond Station is a long-term modular platform for monitoring the hidden activity of a freshwater pond near the Wave Farm Study Center in Acra, NY. Sitting above the surface of the water, and powered by solar-charged internal batteries, Pond Station detects vibrations of light and underwater sound and broadcasts them to the Study Center (and the web) through a live radio link.

Pond Station will be included in the UTC-5 section of the REVEIL broadcast.