I’ve been messing around with ultrasound listening and bat detector circuits, but often there are no obliging flying critters to talk to me! You can generate ultrasound in many ways (rubbing fingers, dangling keys, rushing water) but I wanted a reliable bat-like sound source, so I wrote some simple Arduino code.
First we need to manipulate the Arduino timers to reliably generate higher frequencies. This forum thread describes a clever technique. There is no DAC on an Arduino so we are limited to square-waves, but I don’t mind some harmonics!
- I used a 3.3v Arduino Pro Mini clone since they are cheap, small, and reasonably power efficient.
- Power is provided by a 30xx lithium battery, via a slide switch.
- The ultrasound emitter is a 16mm 40kHz transducer, popular in sonar proximity sensors.
- Wire the transducer (+) to Arduino pin 9 via a 100 ohm resistor. Transducer (-) should be grounded.
The code generates a chirp sequence with slightly randomized pitches and intervals, then pauses before repeating. Occasionally a sequence will end with a sub-sequence of rapid clicks, simulating the FM feeding buzz as the bat closes in on an insect. (The onboard LED blinks with each chirp or click, since you can’t hear any of this with your ears!) The result is not the cleanest waveform, but it translates quite well when testing bat detector hardware.
Copy/paste the code below or Download bat_simulator.ino (zipped)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FAKE BAT SIMULATOR for testing bat detector hardware. - Zach Poff - 2019 * Attempts to emulate "hockey-stick" sliding chirps and quick FM hunting clicks * square-wave generator adapted from https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?PHPSESSID=r994n5acmnip4de52nf2qoc6c2;topic=116094.msg885608#msg885608 * Attach 40kH piezo transducer between GND & pin 9 in series with 100ohm resistor */ #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> int LEDpin = LED_BUILTIN; void setup(){ pinMode(9,1); pinMode(10,1); Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Bat Simulator - Zach Poff 2019"); pinMode(LEDpin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { //a sequence of normal chirps int numchirps = random(10, 20); Serial.println(String(numchirps) + " chirps"); for (int count = 0; count <= numchirps; count++) { batChirp(random(55000, 57000), random(40000, 42000)); delay(random(70, 85)); } //every now and then, do a sequence of "FM" hunting clicks after a sequence if (random(0, 3) == 0) { float clickdelay = random(70, 85); long clickHigh = 56000; long clickLow = 42000; int numclicks = random(10, 18); Serial.println(String(numclicks) + " clicks"); for (int count = 0; count <= numclicks; count++) { batChirp(clickHigh, clickLow); delay(clickdelay); // shrink the delay time and frequencies each time (constrained to sane values) clickdelay = constrain(clickdelay * 0.75, 0.1, 85); clickHigh = constrain(clickHigh * 0.98, 40000, 65000); clickLow = constrain(clickLow * 0.98, 30000, 65000); //Serial.println("ClickDelay: " + String(clickdelay) + " High: " + String(clickHigh)+ " Low: " + String(clickLow)); } } //pause between sequences delay(random(2000, 6000)); } // chirp function args: start freq(hz), end freq(hz) void batChirp(long startF, long endF) { int stepSize = 400; // Hz per step of first loop (gets smaller during later loops) digitalWrite(LEDpin, HIGH); DFGon(); for (long freq = startF; freq >= endF;) { DFGfreq(freq); // Play the frequency sweep stepSize = (stepSize * .994); // stepsize shrinks with each loop to approximate a "hocky stick" log pitch envelope freq = freq - (stepSize + 1); // BUT it will never reach endF (since it decreases by a fraction of itself) so we add 1 //Serial.println(freq); //debugging slows things down } DFGoff(); digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW); } // "DFG" is a dynamic function generator (precise squarewave using timers) void DFGon(){ cli();//disable interupts TCCR1A = 0;//registers for timer 1 TCCR1B = 0; TCNT1=0; TCCR1A |= _BV(COM1A0) + _BV(COM1B0); TCCR1B |=_BV(WGM12); TCCR1C = _BV(FOC1A); } void DFGoff(){ TCCR1A &= ~(1 << COM1A0); sei(); //enable interupts } void DFGfreq(unsigned long tempfreq){ tempfreq = tempfreq*2; if(tempfreq > 122 && tempfreq < 1000001){ OCR1A = (8000000/tempfreq)-1;//#TIMER COUNTS TCCR1B |= _BV(CS10); } else if(tempfreq <= 122 && tempfreq > 15){ OCR1A = (1000000/tempfreq)-1; TCCR1B |= _BV(CS11); } else if(tempfreq <= 15 && tempfreq > 4){ OCR1A = (125000/tempfreq)-1; TCCR1B |= _BV(CS10) + _BV(CS11); } }
Further Research
- Larry Jones’ Bat Amigo & Bat Buddy (and a mention of Tony Messina’s Bat Chirp)
- The PiBat Bat Simulator is another Arduino-based approach.
- The microbat board from the German “bats in Kiel” blog