BrightSign Video Sync Scripts
These scripts will configure BrightSign players for multi-channel synchronized playback without BrightAuthor software.
Media Artist, Educator, Maker of Things
Having trouble running my software on MacOS Mojave or later? After many years of distributing my software for free, Apple's recent software policies have made it difficult or impossible for me to continue. Independent developers like myself are now required to pay Apple each year and have our software approved by Apple, otherwise our apps will be tagged as dangerous or "damaged" and can't be opened. For the foreseeable future I can't invest the time and money to fix these problems, but you may be able to work around it by right-clicking the app and selecting "Open" or using the method described on OSXDaily.
These scripts will configure BrightSign players for multi-channel synchronized playback without BrightAuthor software.
Live Video Delay is a simple application with a self-explanatory name. It shows a full-screen time-delayed feed from an attached video camera. Stereo audio can be delayed to match.
Attach a camera and trigger sounds whenever occupancy is detected in six user-defined areas of the video image. You have complete control over the playback logic and signal routing. Surround is supported.
Chroma Key Live “keys out” selected areas of your camera feed, allowing your background image to show through. It supports HD resolutions and offers full GPU acceleration.
Transmit/receive uncompressed stereo audio over a local network. Turn two computers into a really expensive XLR cable… for free!
A simple (free) “projection mapping” tool for distorting video during playback. Stretch your image to fit into corners, ceilings, or other complex shapes.
Play a video whenever occupancy is detected in a live camera feed. (Based on Video Trigger.)
Soundscape Composer provides an intuitive interface to organize, mix, and alter sounds within an archive.
A quick and dirty demonstrator for audio interference phenomena. Five oscillators and a calculator to compute the beat-frequencies that are generated by the interference between the tones.
Frame Subtractor is an application that removes background information from video images. It highlights moving objects and makes stationary things disappear.