Video Trigger
Attach a camera and trigger sounds whenever occupancy is detected in six user-defined areas of the video image. You have complete control over the playback logic and signal routing. Surround is supported.
Media Artist, Educator, Maker of Things
Attach a camera and trigger sounds whenever occupancy is detected in six user-defined areas of the video image. You have complete control over the playback logic and signal routing. Surround is supported.
Transmit/receive uncompressed stereo audio over a local network. Turn two computers into a really expensive XLR cable… for free!
Soundscape Composer provides an intuitive interface to organize, mix, and alter sounds within an archive.
A quick and dirty demonstrator for audio interference phenomena. Five oscillators and a calculator to compute the beat-frequencies that are generated by the interference between the tones.
Film-O-Sync synchronizes digital sound to 16mm projection. It requires a simple modification to the projector, and instructions are included.